Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter weekend!

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ready to update!!

It's been a long long time since I've checked this page and updated it. I sort of abandoned it and tried to pretend like non of this ever happened since my pain is now manageable.....wrong choice!
I'm haunted a few times a week of everything I endured during 2009 and 2010.
I get a lot of people are in pain or have been in pain for months at a time but mine was every single day, every hour for about 455 days and a few more weeks/days after that. You don't just forget about those days...

I'm OK right now and I am grateful as heck!
Since I fell on my face, breaking my collarbone in October of 2010 the pain has not been bad. Aside from wearing an ugly mouth guard every night, never eating pizza, steak, gummy or hard anything this pain and out of place jaw is manageable THANK GOD!! But the road ahead isn't going to be easy I've been told. And I'm scared to death which no one knows.

When your bones and muscles aren't in tacked for long periods of time they start to wear and eventually wear down to bone...which my jaw eventually may. So what do I do? Have open jaw surgery and risk the pain coming back? Pretend like its ways away and live life? Forget about it? Every time I try to figure it all out I find myself going crazy and acting totally not like myself!
I know from some TMJ sites many people going through what I'm going through and have no idea how the future will be with this jaw pain. It's so very sad, but surgeons cannot figure out how to correct this problem so we are left to suffer, deal and live a somewhat unhappy and painful lifestyle.
I don't know what to do.. I have good days and bad days. I have normal days and crazy days.
How do you go on not knowing what the future may hold and being deathly afraid of feeling a pain that was indescribable, that I don't think I can survive do all of us TMJ/TMJD sufferers go on!?

It's not fair and I will NEVER understand it! Doctors and surgeons can fix hearts, brains...but they can't get a jaw disc back into its socket?? It will never make sense to me or to any of us going through this.
I want babies soon but how can I when I need to take Advil daily and need to stay away from stress?! Will it be miserable for me and will I suffer? Scary!!!!!
It's very hard when you have no one to turn to or understand any of continuing to write in this blog and share with family and friends may help all of us!
I get asked why I'm down some days, why I'm sad or depressed, why I'm not "loud,funny Mandi" and here is why...I AM SCARED!

I will say this AGAIN, if you know anyone who has TMJD or clicking of the jaw PLEASE tell them not to have there wisdom teeth removed OR teeth pulled in general, as all this can happen to them. I'm not the only one who this has happened to..there are millions and if I can save some people from this hell I will do anything I can to do so!! I've read stories and chatted with a few TMJ sufferers whom have tried to take there own life because the pain was so unbearable. If I can save a life or help someone by sharing my story or knowledge then I will! I'm an open book with all that has happened to me because I want to help and I also want to pull though and live a happy life as well!
