Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's D day!

I thought by writing down my recent experience maybe it could help others or give each one of you some hope. On October 2 2009 my life completely changed..and not for the better.
I went in to have 4 wisdom teeth removed. They never really bothered me but I was getting sick a lot and it was hard for a Dentist to clean back there with my wisdom teeth in the way.
I went to Dr. McNamara's office in Melrose Mass (9/9/09)and met with Dr. Lackey who would perform the surgery on me. She was a younger woman with blond hair and a very hyper personality. She told me this surgery would be a breeze, quick and painless. I believed her of course.
I remember the day of my surgery (10/2/09), and I was so nervous the night before that I had the shakes. But on the day of, Dr. Lackey told me everything would be OK and this was going to be easy. And I trusted her and slowly felt the Anesthesia kick in.
25 minutes later I woke up feeling great and talking so goofy. Mom video taped me and we laughed at the videos for days.
I felt OK for the first few days just a little sore. But as the days/weeks went on I realized this pain in my jaw, trouble opening my mouth and a very hard time eating.
I'll speed this story up a little because it wasn't easy trying to get Dr. Lackey to believe that something was really wrong and that I NEEDED an MRI. I had an MRI done about a month after surgery. Let's just say her receptionists are not on top of things!
The MRI showed that the left side of my jaw was dislocated. Out of it's hole completely and needed to be back into place. Dr. Lackey performed a minor procedure on me a few weeks later and my jaw did go back in for a few days.
Then one day (Thanksgiving at Dads)I was in excruciating pain and I knew the procedure did not work and I was way worse!
We went and got a second opinion by a wonderful Oral Surgeon named Dr. Taro and he predicted that I would need "Scope" surgery and that I should not be suffering this long like this and Dr. Lackey should have know that "procedure" she did would never have worked on a dislocated jaw.
He recommended the surgery but said there's a chance Masshealth would not cover it.
So we went back to Dr. Lackey and she said the "Scope" surgery is the next step and she would make calls to try and get me to see a Surgeon at MGH. She said Masshealth would definitely cover this surgery.This took weeks for her to set me up a consultation.
All the while I'm on 5 different types of medications a day, I've lost about 10 pounds, I am in excruciating pain, and we have a trip to Aruba booked.
Mom worked her magic while I was away and got me a consultation at MGH right when I would get back.
Aruba was AWFUL and I suffered greatly and out of 11 days in paradise, I had one good day of no pain and 30th birthday:) I am still forever grateful for that day!
We went and saw Dr. Keith on December 21, 2009 and he agreed I would need scope surgery and he would perform it himself.
We then found out his next available appointment was March 9, 2010. That would be 2.5 MORE months I would have to go through of pain, med's, not chewing and sitting in my house. Mom and I broke down that day in front of the insurance coordinator (AnneMarie)but she couldn't care less. She was and STILL is not a nice person! VERY rude!
So it's almost month 5 of all this hell and my surgery is suppose to be in 3 weeks. We found out yesterday that Masshealth may not cover this surgery and the surgery cost between $6,000- $10,000.
I have been sitting here, strong, trying to stay positive, laugh, trying to make my friends happy, trying to be there for everyone, I have not been able to chew this whole time(almost 5 months),smiling through the pain, being patient and pretty much "faking" that I am OK. But I am not...not at all.
My hair has started to fall out, I have lost 17 ponds total, I constantly don't feel well, I have bad anxiety, I am extremely depressed, stressed, sad, angered, hopeless, my health is not good, hungry, I have been on so much medicine sometimes I wonder if I will not wake up one day, and I have basically lost the will to want to live life! On weekends I use to wake up around 7am or 8am and be excited to start my days off and clean the house...but now I don't ever want to get out of bed!
I know it could be worse. I am VERY lucky I don't have a life threatening disease or cancer and this can be fixed!! I am grateful for this everyday and I thank god for this everyday!!! I have a blessed life!
But this is the HARDEST thing I have ever gone through and I feel like I have completely lost "Mandi".
I feel like Dr. Lackey took her away. But it's time to fight!
I am very weak right now and feel so sick, so Joey (boyfriend)and Mom are helping me fight all this!!
It's Lawyer time and time to give Dr. Lackey her options or else we sue!!
I called Dr. Lackeys personal cell on Sunday letting her know my health isn't good and I do not want to live like this anymore and asking her to please help!
She still has not called back.
I will fight and be strong as much as I can because this is something no one deserves to go through!!!! Things happen to people...sometimes really bad things that we have no control over! But this we can fight for! I lost hope within the last few days but I woke up this morning with my warrior attitude on!
I am hoping Dr. Lackey has a heart and offers to cover this surgery! I am praying and hoping with all that I have!

So I just want everyone to know what is going on. I've been there for friends/family as much as I can...too much in my eyes and It's time for me to take care of myself!

And for those who have showed there concerns/care, been there for me, helped me, comforted me,sent me gifts and cards I LOVE you so much and I thank you with all my heart!! I will still pray for you as well:)

This is not a big deal to some of you but for me it is! Worse things in life happen yes, but this is the worst thing that has happened to me as of right now and I can only come out STRONGER!!!!!!
I don't ask that you feel bad for me..I will survive! All I ask is that you keep me in your prayers and maybe cross a few fingers and toes:)
Today is "D" day and I have had enough!!!
I just want my life back!


Anonymous said...

God Bless you Mandi!!! Everything happens for a just have to pull through, keep on thinking positive and don't let negativity get in your way....Isn't it crazy how certain things in our lives can make you look at life and people in a completely different way????? I know first hand....peace, love & happiness xoxo

Mandiash said...

Awww thank you!! Yes it is! This was therapy to me and I think it's good to let people know what your going through instead of hiding and pretending! Thank you for being there for me:) Love you

Unknown said...

I loooove you and hope the best comes out of this for you and you are in now way the wrong for feeling like this and I am happy you have come forward and shared your story with everyone maybe people will learn something from this and back off a bit and start consoling you. Stay strong xoxoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

Mandi, I feel so bad for you. The same doctor did my surgery and it was not even close to as bad as yours but i still feel pain once in a while. I hope you get better real soon and Im praying she pays for this procedure. Your an amazing girl and you have a heart of gold.

Mandiash said...

Awww Jaclyn than you:) Means so much! Really she did? She's suppose to be a great oral surgeon but even the best make a mistake or an accident happens like mine. I've put it out there to her that I am very upset she has not done more to help me. I sent her a final message and I am wiping my hands of her. I can't force her to pay for my surgery but at least she knows how upset and angered I am! I have been sooo nice to her and have seen her about 25 times since this happened. She's done a few things to try and help but she knows I really need the surgery and should have offered to pay for it. I was under her care and was perfectly healthy with no jaw problems before this. But things happen and all I can do is pray Masshealth approves this surgery!! They have about 2 weeks left to do so and I pray that it happens soon! Joey and I are going to MGH tomorrow for my pre-op (have to have this even though I am not yet approved or else I loss my surgery date) and I am going to plead with them to help me or at least give me some options if my surgery gets denied. My health, sanity, emotional state is not good and I have had it! But thank you:) It;s very rare that this happened to me and I hope I get fixed very very soon! I miss chewing..haha xxoo